Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Choice: Transition and Transformation

Mindflex - The Learning Orgainzation
Training with a Heart

Friday, November 25, 2011

Generating creative ideas: Take your mind for a jog

Metaphors are a good way to generate ideas. eg. How is a machine like a dictator? How is powerpoint like the Pacific Ocean? What is similar between a vacation and baking cookies?

Lateral thinking is random movement from one thought to another. A cake reminds you of sweet reminds you of diabetes reminds you of your doctor reminds you of your dentist reminds you of drilling reminds you of the oil prices reminds you of your bank balance and so on. Radial thinking is more systematic in that you come back to the original word or thought and build a web of words around the central idea.

Provocative Thinking

Monday, August 1, 2011

Authors who made a difference. A great reading list

A – David Abram; Russell Ackoff; Æsop; Valerie Ahl; TFH Allen; Chris Argyris; Aristotle; W. Ross Ashby; Attar; John L. Austin 

B – Per Bak; Mikhail Bakhtin; Béla Bánáthy; Albert Bandura; Basho; * Gregory Bateson; Mary Catherine Bateson; Stafford Beer; Walter Benjamin; Nikolai Berdyaev; William Blake; Benjamin S. Bloom; David Bohm; Kenneth Boulding; Stewart Brand; * Martin Buber; Malcolm Bull;

C – Lynton K. Caldwell; Joseph Campbell; Fritjof Capra; * James P. Carse; Carlos Castaneda; Peter Checkland; Patricia Smith Churchland; C. West Churchman; R.G. Collingwood; Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi;

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Uday Today: Tracey Jackson Online

Sometimes you hear me refer to Uday Acharya who appears in Lucky Ducks as The Guru. It’s hard to describe Uday, he is like a Guru but in India that means teacher, and that is what he does. He teaches people and groups and families how to be more productive through the heart and practical thinking mixed in with the wisdom of the ages that is part of his training and the DNA of being an Indian.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mantras On The Go: The Heart of a Winner


ABILITY: Nurture it

BREATH: Regulate it


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mindflex: Try Hiding An Elephant

Mindflex  Insights on
Live, Work, Enterpreneurship, Creativity, Motivation, Change,  and Serenity Attitudes

How many ways do you know to hide an elephant?

Take a minute to think of answers. Atleast five ways to begin with.....!

Mindflex: Golden Rules for Business

1:  Customers are the fuel for our business

“The Customer is King”
"He is not an interruption in our work; he is the purpose of it....  We are not doing him a favour by serving him; he is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so. " - M K Gandhi

Customers are choosy. Can you offer then a choice?
Customers complain. Can you offer them your attention?

2 : Foundation for Business is Research
“Listening is the key to another’s mind.”

Mindflex: The Glass Barrier

When climbing up the corporate ladder there are certain biases like gender, age, race etc. which limit us as we move up. We find ourself rising only up to the pre-set level,  after which we get stuck, unable to progress beyond. These unseen attitudes, biases and prejudices affect our organization as well.

We experience a lot of unfairness at work. Others’ likes and dislikes affect our growth . Often our competence does not count in promotions. Because of this, we find it difficult to fulfill our ambitions, even when we are sincere and capable. This is external limitation imposed by others in the organization.

How about our own internal limitations? These limitations are not set by others but by our own selves.

Mindflex: SMART Goals

Mindflex: Uday Acharya - Q&As from Linkedin

uday acharya
Q&Aa  from Linkedin
Think globally act locally. see how you can contribute as an individual to further the interests of the team, organization, and society. Contribution is a magic factor that makes you see yourself as small and big at the same time. A small act can result in major changes for the common good. It is like Ayn Rand observed - that dimunitive humans can build skyscrapers and enhance their stature as creators of things that are bigger than themselves. Empowering ourselves and discovering purpose is the key to living a fulfilling and happy life.

  • Trainers: What do you do if only some people in the class have done the pre-work?

  • Mindflex: The Null Point

    Null Point  may be seen as the nadir where the system is in total chaos. Or it may be considered as a period where the growth and degeneration of the system are in a steady state with no major significant changes occur.

    Zero is also the ground of all change and creativity. When the mind is free from preconceived notions and assumptions that are taken for granted, there is space for new concepts and thinking. The no-mind is where you put away worries, anxieties, and fears, and build on dreams, hopes, and possibilities.
    When the mind has freed itself from anchorage, it is free to move to new shores and take on new challenges. The no mind is a pit stop where the cars are retyred, refueled and restored to pristine condition.

    Null Point in Civilization
    This is the stage where ecological sustainable systems becomes so urgent a demand that society goes into a meditative hibernation that is different from stagnation. It is the refusal to move ahead in a wrong direction and to take stock about where we have diverged from the path that is right for us. The conflicts between movers and resistors are harmonised into a confluence that highlights change and direction as equally important factor for a healthy civilization.

    Null Point in Literature

    Mindflex: Nature vs Nurture

    All entrepreneurs were born. Maybe they were made to be born. Or born before they were made. Hard to imagine entrepreneurs who weren't born. Perhaps they are yet to be born.

    Unless there is a defect in our DNA, we were all born intelligent. But education ruined us. The logic, which works well during gym workout is -- more you use, the more you have, less you use, more you lose. We live well by learning, and learn well by living. Some live to learn and learn to live. What we learn and how we live is another question altogether.

    Saturday, June 11, 2011

    From Good to Great

    Q.  How is a teacher different from a train driver?
    A.  Well, while one minds the train, the other trains the mind.

    Q.  Difference between a good teacher and a great teacher?
    A.. A good teacher helps the student learn by creating an ambience of learning. A great teacher is able to learn from her own students and is able to create great teachers... 

    Q.  How does one describe the role of a teacher?

    Friday, June 10, 2011

    On Your Mark: Personal Effectiveness Modules

    Come to The Music Gurukul, where you can walk music, talk music, drink music and dream about music. Welcome to our divisions: Pro Guitar Academy, The Drum School, Voilin and Strings Academy. As the icing to our cake, our latest division to arrive on the scene is…. (hold your breath……) … 'On Your Mark:' Personal Effectiveness Modules.

     'On Your Mark:' Personal Effectiveness Modules. arose from a deep concern for our students to reach their full potential. Each of our students have the stuff in them to take on the world with confidence, poise, and grace. These traits are important not only for performance on stage but also off the stage – whether at work, home, or in society.

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    Mindflex: A Personal Glass Barrier

    When climbing up the corporate ladder there are certain biases like gender, age, race etc. which limit us as we move up. We find ourself rising only up to the pre-set level,  after which we get stuck, unable to progress beyond. These unseen attitudes, biases and prejudices affect our organization as well.

    We experience a lot of unfairness at work. Others’ likes and dislikes affect our growth . Often our competence does not count in promotions. Because of this, we find it difficult to fulfill our ambitions, even when we are sincere and capable. This is external limitation imposed by others in the organization.

    How about our own internal limitations? These limitations are not set by others but by our own selves. We say “I am not good at Maths”, “I can never keep accounts“, “house hold management is not my cup of tea”, or  “cooking is something impossible for me”. These are limitations drawn for ourselves by ourselves. There may be reasons for drawing boundaries. But the question is whether we are actually stopped by them? Can we not go beyond?

    In the Face of Adversity

    Photo: Ramya Srinivas

    I will probably be laughing about this "tough time" six months from now.

    Life is not so bad. Things could be worse.

    If the worst has happened, things can only get better.

    And if the worst cant get better, it is a new beginning.

    Ramya Shrinivas i have taken a print of this and put it up in my cubicle :)

    Saturday, May 21, 2011

    Doing What You Love - Interview on

    1. Passion for Learning and Sharing

    I am fundamentally an idea person. I get excited about new concepts and possibilities. Reading, movies, lectures and conversations are all grist to my mill, and I like to mull over the possibilities connected to these concepts. It was but natural that I gravitated to teaching and training where I get opportunity to learn and to share my learning with likeminded groups and individuals.

    I love Vedanta. Vedanta excites me much because it tells me there are no road blocks in life. Rather there are only events to be experienced and situations to be dealt with. At the end of the day you are left with just yourself….. plus the memory of experiences, and these you put behind you to start the new day with a fresh page.

    Every new day is filled with rich possibilities and every evening is stock taking time in which you process experiences and carry forward the learning to the next day. Life is a play where you exercise your muscles and mind, building and testing your skills. I enjoy the process of joint exploration of issues in interactive conversations with people. I also listen to emotions behind the words to know how it is or was for the person on the other side of the fence. The process of heads and hearts coming together accounts for great breakthroughs in personal and professional issues.

    I also am an out of the box thinker and usually come up with a totally different take on the issue. Sometimes, my contribution is accepted enthusiastically, but many times, the ideas are taken with a pinch of salt. Some of my most enthusiastic ideas have received cold water response, and it is a challenge for me to recreate the same ideas in a new format that is more acceptable and practical for application. This has helped me build new and novel training modules, one of which is an all time favourite in my ITM (Institute of Technology and Management) workshops...... Multiple Quotient – IQ EQ & SQ (Spiritual Quotient).